
Kentucky American Legion




Why Join?

The American Legion is the nation’s most influential, effective and dependable advocate of veteran affairs fighting for better active-duty pay, improved housing for active-duty families and helping to ensure that the VA’s medical system can properly care for veterans.


VA Benefit Assistance:  Your membership helps support Department Service Officers nationwide who assist veterans in preparing claims and obtaining their full military healthcare benefits through the VA.

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Discounts: Your membership gives you and your family practical, money-saving discounts that can easily save you many times the cost of your annual membership dues.

More on Discount Programs

Access to Scholarships and Programs:  

More on Scholarships 


Eligibility Requirements for American Legion Membership


An individual is eligible for membership in The American Legion only if the individual:

  1.  Has served in the Armed Forces of
  1. The United States at any time during the period of April 6, 1917, through November 11, 1918; or any time after December 7, 1941; or
  1. A government associated with the United States Government during a period or time referred to in subsection (A) of this section and was a citizen of the United States when the individual entered that service; and
  1.  Was honorably discharged or separated from that service or continues to serve honorably during or after that period or time; provided, however, that such service shall have been terminated by honorable discharge or honorable separation, or continued honorably during or after any such periods; provided, further that no person shall be entitled to membership who, being in such service during any of said periods, refused on conscientious, political or other grounds to subject themselves to military discipline or unqualified service